Sprint Win List 1939-present - as of 09/30/2024


This list includes races in which sprint cars (including URC sprints) were eligible to compete along with their weekly Williams Grove predecessor, super modifieds. The super modifieds evolved into the weekly sprint car division with weekly rules being opened up to include sprint cars in late 1966. It does not include victories in stock cars, championship dirt cars, super sportsman, 358 sprints or midgets. Sprint cars themselves became the regular weekly attraction in 1967 however some designated sprint only competition was conducted prior to that time while super modified racing was prevalent.

115 Lance Dewease
90 Fred Rahmer
73 Greg Hodnett
61 Don Kreitz Jr.
59 Ray Tilley
51 Keith Kauffman
45 Lynn Paxton
41 Smokey Snellbaker
39 Steve Kinser
38 Todd Shaffer
Kenny Weld
36 Bobby Allen
Mitch Smith
Stevie Smith
32 Danny Dietrich
Steve Smith
31 Johnny Mackison Sr.
Dick Tobias
26 Bobbie Adamson
25 Brian Montieth
24 Doug Esh
Lucas Wolfe
23 Cris Eash
21 Donny Schatz
Kramer Williamson
20 Brent Marks
Doug Wolfgang
19 Tommy Hinnershitz
Jan Opperman
18 Mark Kinser
Daryn Pittman
Freddie Rahmer
17 Bobby Hersh
16 Mark Smith
Sammy Swindell
15 Van May
Billy Pauch
14 Steve Buckwalter
Bobby Davis Jr.
Ted Horn
13 Kenny Jacobs
Gus Linder
Jim Nace
12 George Speck
11 Randy Wolfe
10 Bobby Abel
Paul Lotier
Anthony Macri
9 Leroy Felty
David Gravel
Cory Haas
Paul Pitzer
Jeff Shepard
Steve Siegel
Bobby Weaver
8 Kenny Adams
Joie Chitwood
Kevin Gobrecht
Dave Kelly
Chad Layton
Aaron Ott
7 Dave Blaney
Dan Dietrich
Bobby Gerhart Sr.
Brian Leppo
Steve Stambaugh
6 Pat Cannon
Allen Klinger
Rick Lafferty
Johnny Thomson
Maynard Yingst
5 Joey Allen
Cody Darrah
Jimmy Edwards
Bud Folkenroth
Gene Goodling
Johnny Grum
Bill Holland
Frankie Kerr
Alan Krimes
Joey Kuhn
Mark Light
Curt Michael
Bill Miller
Lee Osborne
Troy Ruttman
Jimmie Sheaffer
Jimmy Siegel
Billy Stief
Scott Tobias
4 Jimmy Boyd
Alex Bright
Jimmy Bryan
Barry Camp
Chase Dietz
John Dubendorf
A.J. Foyt
Jason Johnson
Kyle Larson
Carson Macedo
Johnny Mackison Jr.
Sean Michael
Duke Nalon
Vic Nauman
Junior Ritchie
Aaron Reutzel
Logan Schuchart
Scott Smith
TJ Stutts
Brock Zearfoss
Ed Zirkle
3 Lyle Beahm
Duane Carter, Sr.
Russ Delp
Craig Dollansky
Brad Doty
Dave Ely
Mike Erdley
George Ferguson Jr.
Joey Gravino
Neil Haight
Justin Henderson
Todd Hestor
Craig Keel
George Kessler
Dale Van Johnson
Ron Kramer
Dub May
Paul McMahan
Jason Meyers
Jay Myers
Rick Schmelyun Sr.
Roger Sowers
Brad Sweet
Len Thompson
Troy Wagaman Jr.
Tony Willman
Buzz Wilson
2 Scott Ausherman
Jerry Banks
Lou Blaney
Ryan Bohlke
Devon Borden
Billy Brian Jr.
Matt Campbell
Wally Campbell
Michael Carber
Billy Cassella
Al Chamberlain
James Chesson
Alan Cole
Bobby Courtwright
Briggs Danner
Steve Drevicki
Eddie Gallione
Earl Halaquist
Jac Haudenschild
Johnny Herrera
Jimmy Horton
Lou Johnson
Paul Kline
Danny Lasoski
Lucky Lux
Johnny Mantz
Roger McCluskey
Ernie McCoy
Gerard McIntyre Jr.
Mike Nazaruk
Kevin Nouse
Brian Paulus
Justin Peck
Tom Price
Buzzy Richardson
Ronnie Rough Sr.
Bill Schindler
Tim Shaffer
Jimmy Sills
Tom Spriggle
Doug Stambaugh
Trey Starks
Shane Stewart
Ryan Taylor
Kevin Thomas Jr.
Frankie Thompson
Gene Varner
Tyler Walker
Brook Weibley
Josh Wells
Rodney Westhafer
Justin Whittall
Adam Wilt
Niki Young
1 Rico Abreu
Bernie Adams
Walt Ader
Ed Aiken
Emerson Axsom
Brady Bacon
Bob Bennett
Donnie Berg
Ralph Blose
Don Branson
Garry Brazier
Cliff Brian
Brian Brown
Dave Calaman
P.J. Chesson
Mack Clingan
Buddy Cochran
Justin Collett
Kevin Collins
Jack Deniston
Larry Dickson
Ronnie Dunstan
Darren Eash
Craig Eshenaur
Cotton Farmer
Glenn Fitzcharles
Pat Flaherty
Davie Franek
Damion Gardner
Elmer George
Rod George
Daryl Gohn
Frank Gorichky
Justin Grant
Pete Green
Dave Haight
Paul Handshew
Moe Harden
Sheldon Haudenschild
Scotty Haus
Alan Heath
Andy Hillenburg
Austin Hogue
Steve Howard
Fred Hurley
Larry Jackson
Henry Jacoby
Gordon Johncock
Parnelli Jones
Kasey Kahne
Al Keller
Shorty Kershner
Dick Kinard
Michael "Buddy" Kofoid
Gene Kohr
Lenny Krautheim III.
Don Kreitz Sr.
Lee Kunzman
Bob Landis
Roger Larson
Binky Lederer
Ralph Ligouri
Joe Lingle
Mike Little
Mike Lloyd
Tommy Mattson
Eddie McCardle
Terry McCarl
James McFadden
Jim McWhitey
AJ Michael
Milt Miller
Charlie Moyer
Charlie Musselman
Marlett Naill
Dylan Norris
Bryan Osgood
Johnny Parsons Sr.
Jiggs Peters
Pee Wee Pobletts
Dave Randolph
Hal Retburg
George Robson
Hank Rogers, Sr.
Buddy Rush
Randy Ruth
Eddie Sachs
Joey Saldana
Everett Saylor
Giovanni Scelzi
Tighe Scott
Johnny Shackleford
Adrian Shaffer
Bob Shaw
Jason Shultz
Ron Shuman
Kenny Slaybaugh
Cameron Smith
Ryan Smith
Jason Solwold
Tony Stewart
Robbie Stillwaggon
Jerry Stone
Mike Wagner
Bruce Walkup
Mike Walter
Chuck Ward
Josh Weller
Kevin Welsh
Jesse Wentz
John Westbrook
Jimmy Wilburn
Chris Windom
Herman Wise
Ted Wise
Zeb Wise
Steve Yodock
Chuck Yost


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